Six Ways To Make An Air Mattress More Comfortable

Air Mattress

If you are using an air mattress at home for a guest or if you are using an air mattress for camping or traveling, you are most likely going to use the mattress for just a few days. But this does not mean that you have to sleep in discomfort. 

Even though air mattresses are improving in quality every year, there are still ways you can still improve them to make them more comfortable.

Find The Optimal Inflation Level

Regular mattresses come in different levels of firmness. Some people like soft mattresses and some people like firm mattresses. The same is true with air mattresses. You do not need to inflate the air mattress to its maximum capacity if it is not comfortable for you.

The way to test this is the following: Inflate an air mattress to its maximum volume and then lay on it for a while. See how you feel. If you are finding that there is discomfort then slowly let out some air and see if that helps. 

Related: Four Best Air Mattresses – Looking at Comfort, Durability and Price

Add A Topper 

A mattress topper is usually a two to four inch layer of material that goes on top of a mattress. The material can be made out of memory foam, latex, cotton as well as many others. These toppers are designed to add an extra layer of comfort onto any mattress. Even an air mattress.

The great thing about toppers is that they are very affordable. If one topper is not giving you the comfort that you need then add another one. That should do the trick.

Use A Soft Surface

Try placing your air mattress on a soft rug or carpet. Try to avoid hardwood floors or tiled floors if you can. This will give your mattress an extra level of support that can make a difference.

Use The Right Bed Sheets and Pillows

Just because you are using an air mattress does not mean you should skimp on bed sheets and pillows. Make sure you get bed sheets with high thread count. This will help keep you cool and more comfortable while you sleep.

Good pillows are also a must. This will give your head the proper comfort and elevation. This then flows down through your neck and back which can provide that extra level of comfort.

Raise The Air Mattress Up

Most people use an air mattress for just a few days or while they are traveling so this is not always an option. But if you are able to add a box spring under your air mattress then it will add a solid layer of support.

Properly Store Your Mattress

Make sure you always completely deflate your air mattress and roll it up in the same way you received it when you first purchased it. Store the mattress in the bag or case that it came in and then place it in a cool, dry place. This will keep your mattress durable and will make it last a longer time.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the best way to ensure that you are sleeping on a comfortable air mattress is to purchase the most comfortable mattress while still staying within your budget. We reviewed the best air mattresses for comfort, durability and price to help you make the first step in the right direction.
