How to Clean an Air Mattress – 5 Easy Steps

Air Mattress Cleaning

Air mattresses are convenient for when you have guests over and they are even more convenient when you travel on camping trips. Even though you might only use an air mattress a few days at a time, many people forget that it is important to consistently clean an air mattress.

Air mattresses are used indoors and outdoors so they easily collect dust and dirt. Sometimes your mattress can get wet and if not cleaned and dried properly it can start to gather mold.

Dust, dirt and mold can not only give your air mattress an unpleasant smell but they can also be harmful to your health especially if you have allergies or any respiratory issues.

In this article, we will show you four easy steps to keep your air mattress clean so you or your guests can always enjoy a safe and comfortable night of sleep.

Related Article: Best Air Mattresses - Looking at Comfort, Durability and Price

Five Steps On How To Clean Your Air Mattress

1. Get Your Air Mattress Ready for Cleaning

Most air mattresses come with a built-in electric pump. Make sure you unplug the pump and move the mattress away from any electronic sockets. Make sure any liquids you use to clean the mattress do not damage the built-in pump of the battery.

Some pumps are detachable. If that is the case then you should remove the pump. 

2. Remove and Wash the Sheets

Next, remove any sheets that you have on the air mattress. While you are cleaning the air mattress you can also wash the sheets in the washing machine.

It is always best practice to clean the sheets that you use on an air mattress every 2 to 3 weeks. This also depends on how often you are sleeping on the mattress.

3. Use a Vacuum

You want to remove any dust and dirt before washing the air mattress. Keep your mattress inflated to get the best results.

Use either a hand held vacuum or remove the wand (i.e. hose attachment) from a traditional vacuum. Slowly run the vacuum up and down the mattress to get all of the dust and dirt. When you are done with the top side, turn over the mattress and do the same thing with the bottom of the mattress and the sides of the mattress.

4. Clean The Air Mattress

Now it is time to gather your cleaning materials. Usually warm water and soap like dish soap will work fine since most  air mattresses are made of a polyvinyl material. If you are trying to get rid of mold, you should use rubbing alcohol and water first to disinfect the mattress.

If the air mattress has odors from pets you can use baking soda to get rid of the odors.

When you have your cleaning materials prepared, get clean cloth, dip it into the clean solution and wash the air mattress, spot by spot, using your hand. We do not recommend ever washing your mattress in a washing machine unless the manufacturer specifically recommends it. 

5. Let It Dry

Usually air mattresses will dry pretty quickly but you want to make sure that the mattress is completely dry before you deflate it, roll it up and store it away. This will prevent mold and mildew from forming.

A way to speed up the drying process is to use a fan and set it to move back and forth near the mattress. If it is warm outside, you can also place the mattress in the sun to dry.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning your air mattress should not take too much time at all. Usually it can be done in less than 30 minutes. There is no set schedule for cleaning the mattress. It really depends on how much you use it and where you use it.

But cleaning it often will make the mattress last much longer and it will provide you or your guests with a much better and comfortable night of sleep.

If you are interested in buying a new air mattress, we have reviewed the best air mattresses when it comes to comfort, durability and price.
