5 Non Electric Coffee Makers – Keep It Green

As the world moves towards a greener lifestyle and technology advances, many of us recognize the need to reduce our reliance on electricity. Fortunately this doesn’t mean we have to go without coffee – there are plenty of excellent non-electricity powered coffee makers that can be used in place of electric coffeemakers. Here are five energy-free ways for you to start your day with a warm cup of joe:

1. French Press – This classic method is one of the simplest ways to make delicious coffee. All you need is freshly ground beans, boiling water, and a sturdy glass or stainless steel container (the “French press”). Place the grounds into the bottom of your French press and slowly pour in boiling water. Allow the coffee to steep for several minutes and then press down on the plunger at the top of your French press to separate the grounds from the liquid. You will be left with a smooth, rich cup of coffee that you can enjoy any time.

2. Moka Pot – This Italian-style espresso maker is easy to use and produces great results. It consists of three parts: a base which houses water, a filter basket filled with ground beans, and an upper chamber for collecting your espresso. Place ground beans in the filter basket, fill the base with cold water, and attach all three pieces together. Place it over low heat until steam builds up pressure in the lower chamber and forces hot water through your grounds into the upper chamber. You’ll be left with a concentrated, delicious cup of espresso in just minutes.

3. Cold Brew – If you like your coffee without the acidity and bitterness associated with other brewing methods, cold brew is perfect for you. To make it, simply combine coarsely ground beans with cold water and let it steep overnight (12-24 hours). Use a cheesecloth or paper filter to strain out the grounds before drinking. The result is a smooth, mellow cup that isn’t too acidic or bitter.

4. Aeropress – This device promises to produce an intense cup of espresso-style coffee in minutes. Put your freshly ground beans into the chamber of the Aeropress and attach the plunger with filter. Pour hot water into the chamber and stir the mixture vigorously for 10-20 seconds. Put the plunger in place, press down on it slowly, and you’ll be left with a smooth cup of espresso-style coffee that can be enjoyed at any time.

5. Cowboy Coffee – This is a no-frills method that has been around since cowboys first hit the trail. Put 2 tablespoons of ground beans per every 6 ounces of cold water into a large pot or kettle and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally (don’t add more than 3 tablespoons of grounds or your brew will become too bitter). Once boiling, remove from heat and allow to sit for several minutes before serving. The grounds will settle to the bottom so you’ll be left with a smooth cup of coffee that won’t require any special filters or equipment.

These five non-electric coffee makers produce delicious cups of coffee without relying on electricity, and each one is easy to use and clean. Whether you want a single shot of espresso or a full pot of cowboy joe, these methods are sure to satisfy your morning cravings! Plus, they can all help reduce our reliance on electricity while still providing us with great tasting coffee. So why not give them a try?  You’ll find that it’s an easy way to enjoy delicious coffee while being kinder to the environment at the same time!
