How To Clean a Delonghi Espresso Machine in Less Than 20 Minutes

If you’re an espresso enthusiast, then a Delonghi espresso machine is likely part of your routine. However, to ensure that your coffee tastes its best and lasts for years to come, it’s important to keep your machine clean and well-maintained. Here are some tips on how to clean a Delonghi espresso machine:

First, empty the drip tray. Look inside the drip tray and make sure there aren’t any grounds or debris that need to be removed. If so, use tweezers or a paper towel to remove them. Then, with a damp cloth or sponge, wipe down the entire exterior of the machine including knobs and switches. You may also want to use a specialty cleaning solution designed specifically for espresso machines.

After the exterior is clean, remove and rinse out the brew head from the machine. Use an old toothbrush or a soft brush to scrub away any dirt or coffee residue inside of it. Rinse with warm water until all grime is gone then reattach it back to the machine.

Then, you should decalcify your Delonghi espresso machine. This process helps keep mineral deposits away which can cause major issues in your device’s lifespan and performance. To do this, simply fill up the tank with about two liters of vinegar and then power on your espresso machine as if you were making a cup of coffee. Do not put any ground coffee beans or coffee pods in the machine, this is not needed. Let the vinegar sit in the device for 30-60 minutes and then turn it off and empty the tank. Fill up the tank once more with water only and power on again to flush out the remaining vinegar from your espresso machine’s components.

Finally, wash all removable parts like filters, portafilters, tamping tools, cup warmers, and other accessories according to their instructions. When all parts are clean and dried, reattach them back onto your Delonghi espresso machine before using it again.

Keeping your Delonghi espresso machine clean and well-maintained will ensure that you get optimal performance every time. Regularly following these steps will help you get the best tasting espresso while also giving your machine a longer lifespan.

That’s it! Cleaning a Delonghi espresso machine is easy and straightforward when following these simple tips. After cleaning, enjoy the perfect cup of espresso that your trusty Delonghi espresso machine can provide you with. Happy brewing!
