How To Clean A Ninja Blender in 6 Easy Steps

Cleaning a Ninja blender is not difficult, but it does require some special attention. If you want to ensure that your blender stays in top condition for years to come, here are the steps you should take:

1. Start by unplugging the power cord from the wall outlet and carefully removing all removable parts from the base of the blender, such as blades and caps.

2. Using hot water and a mild detergent, wash each part separately with a non-abrasive sponge or rag. Be sure to rinse each part thoroughly after washing them.

3. To sanitize each part further, fill up a medium-sized bowl with one cup of white vinegar and three cups of warm water. Soak each part in the solution for at least five to ten minutes, then rinse them once more before drying them with a lint-free cloth.

4. Inspect the inside and outside of the blender’s jar for any stains or residue that may need extra attention. If necessary, use a non-abrasive sponge and mild detergent to scrub away stubborn bits of food from the walls or lid of the jar.
5. Follow up by wiping down the exterior body of your Ninja blender with a soft damp cloth, making sure to get into all the crevices and corners. Once finished, reassemble all parts onto their respective slots on the base unit and plug it back in.

6. Lastly, pour two cups of warm water into the jug and add a few drops of liquid dishwashing soap. Pulse it on low for 30 seconds before turning off the blender and pouring out the soapy water. Wipe down with a soft cloth to remove any remaining residue, then rinse the jar once more with clean water and dry with a lint-free cloth before using again.

Taking these steps to regularly clean your Ninja blender will ensure that it stays in top condition and keeps delivering delicious results every time you use it! With proper care, your Ninja blender can be an invaluable addition to your kitchen arsenal for years to come.
