Make Potato Skins In Air Fryer – Great for Any Occasion

Potato skins are a delicious and versatile dish. Not only do they make a great appetizer, they can also serve as a side dish or even double as an entree when you stuff them with chili or other proteins. While traditionally made in the oven, potato skins can also be easily cooked in an air fryer for extra convenience. Here is a simple guide on how to make potato skins in your air fryer:

1. Start by prepping your potatoes. Wash and dry four russet potatoes and use a knife to slice the top and bottom off each one so it has flat surfaces. Cut the potatoes into quarters lengthwise, leaving the skin on each piece.

2. Place the potato wedges skin-side up in your air fryer basket. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then spray with oil or brush lightly with melted butter.

3. Set your air fryer to 400°F and cook for 25 minutes, flipping once halfway through the cooking time. You may need to adjust the cooking time depending on how thickly you sliced the potatoes and how large they are.

4. When ready, remove from the air fryer and let cool slightly before handling them carefully with tongs or a fork.

5. Use a spoon to scoop out some of the inside of each piece so there’s room for cheese, bacon, chives or whatever topping you’d like to add! Stuff each potato skin with your desired filling and place them back in the air fryer.

6. Cook for an additional 10 minutes at 400°F until the potato skins are golden brown and crispy on top. Serve immediately, or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Enjoy! With these simple steps, you can create delicious potato skins in no time thanks to your trusty air fryer! As mentioned above, they make a great starter or side dish, but you can also stuff them with proteins like chicken or beef to turn them into a main course. Experiment with different flavors and have fun customizing your own perfect plate of Potato Skins that everyone will love!
